Sunday, April 13, 2008


Urban cities are already getting a bad rap with all of the drugs and crime, now topping the list is our failure to finish high school. In a national report a few weeks ago, percentages of high school graduation in large cities were dismal especially in Detroit. The percentage was 25 percent, meaning that 75 percent didn't finish school at all.

Officials claim that those numbers may be lessened by students who transfer out of the city's school system, those who are deceased, or even the mothers who sometimes finish at alternative schools due to their pregnancy. Are those supposed to be legitimate excuses to why the numbers are so low? Those just sound like more issues plaguing our inner-city youth. What's surprising is that parents continue to point fingers at the public school system when they have not done anything to help improve it.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
who prepare for it today”

The bottom line is that we, as African Americans, have got to play a bigger role in our children's education. We cannot expect to send them off as children into the public school system with no guidance and expect them to return home as young adults. As a parent you should know your child's school schedule. You sould be comfortable with the fact that if you show up to her school during third period, you know what class she should be in at that time. Participate in your child's school functions, get to know their teachers. Educating today's youth is a team effort, we can no longer stand by and point fingers at a system that is failing largely because of our lack of participation and involvement.

The education of our upcoming generation is vital. Gone are the days of manual labor. Gone are the days of the automotive industry. Gone are the days of low tech. Even fast food jobs require some kind of familiarity with computers. There is no way around it. The important and most difficult part is getting the youth of today to realize just how important an education is, regardless of what they plan to be as an adult. No matter how difficult it is though, you as a parent are responsible for making it happen. Nobody said being a parent would be easy. Catch ya' on the FLIPSIDE

Monday, April 7, 2008


Flipping through the pages of the Detroit Free Press, I noticed an article about Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick giving away construction contracts to a friend of his. Along the side I saw a small story about a rally that was held by one of the city council members on Saturday to support the council's request for the mayor to step down. To make this event even more laughable, the title of the rally was "Healing Detroit". A few metro Detroit ministers even found time to record an episode of FlashPoint where they expressed their discontent wit Mayor Kilpatrick. I can't do anything but laugh.

Everyone who oppose of the Mayor claim that his resignation is vital to allow the city to move on and grow. Many will claim that the whole fiasco is giving the city of Detroit a black eye and this is why he must go. I am a supporter of moving the city forward and just happen to be a supporter of the Mayor. With that said, I believe moving the city forward and fixing the issues that have ailed us for years should be the number one focus. While those who beg for the Mayor's resignation claim to agree, who is actually focusing on the city's rebound?

I'm not really concerned about the Mayor, his affair, some outrageous party, the unsolved murder of an exotic dancer, or the firing of some police officers. I am not concerned one bit. I'm not concerned because the case is in court now, yet somehow it is still more important to the advancement of this city as it carries every news headline and every newspaper. Now that the courts can figure out this mess let's get focused for real.

How can the newspapers' lead story still be about Kilpatrick when Detroit has the highest rate of home foreclosures in the country? How can the news shows' top story be about Kilpatrick when Detroit only graduates 25 percent of its students? How can a city council member have a rally and call it "Healing Detroit" and the main topic wasn't about how to fix our education problems or unemployment issues with the decline of the auto industry? Who's really interested in the advancement of my city? Catch ya' on the FLIPSIDE.