Friday, October 16, 2009

FLIPSIDE : Letter to Ben

Dear Ben,

What's good lil' homie? I noticed that you are from Farmington Hills. That's not too far from where I live. I was watching the evening news last night and I saw your story. I can't lie. I cried a little. They said that you were fighting brain cancer and most doctors had given up on you. I know that you are only 8. It must seem as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders. In spite of all this, I saw you smile. On several pictures, I see you smiling and enjoying life to the fullest. You are a brave little guy. I wonder if I would ever have shown the strength that you posses if I were in your shoes at that age .

As I and probably millions of other people watch your story unfold on the evening news, we all no doubt are wishing, hoping and praying for a happy ending. In the meantime, in the midst of a storm, you respond by smiling and saying how much you miss your friends at school. Alas, the beauty of a child's innocence inspires and softens the most hardened heart. Your friends also miss you as they appear on your website coloring a banner as wide as the chalkboard. The huge banner that says "Get Well Soon Ben" is also filed with the names of all of your adoring friends who miss you dearly and hope for the best.

We've never met, but I feel compelled to write you this letter to let you know that you have the support of a young writer who hopes one day we will meet. Sometime after the treatment from the Burzynski Research Institute has spared your life and you become a cancer survivor, we might have a chance meeting. Perhaps on the way into a local 7-11, I might hold the door for you and notice that it is indeed you. Maybe I'll introduce myself and you'll probably respond, "Do I know you." Then I'll just say not really, but I did write you a letter once. Be strong BJ. Catch ya' on the FLIPSIDE.


Q. Lewis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw the story and couldn't stop crying! I was inspired by the strength of his mom, his supportive friends/classmates and his strength. Good job on this!