Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Decision Points

The first question I had after watching the Matt Lauer interview with Bush was, "Are you serious?" Lauer is a wonderful interviewer and his questioning had the former president admitting failures that I'm sure he had not planned to admit before doing the interview. A lot of his answers did not surprise me though, considering that I would expect nothing less of him than to try and defend some of the huge political missteps that he had taken as the commander in chief.

The most important and devastating was the infamous New Orleans "fly over." He admitted that he should have stopped in to reassure the people that help was on the way. Then he began to shift gears to the fact that the state's government has to give the federal government authority to involve federal aid into the equation. What? So, with these millions of people barely seeking refuge atop their underwater homes and an entire city turned to Atlantis, there is no way to override the state government in the wake of a disaster such as this? This man has people losing their lives underwater, being raped and murdered inside the make-shift shelter of the Super Dome and he's upset about Kanye calling him a racist. And people tend to think that President Obama is out of touch with Americans.

Now, if you saw the Oprah interview, then you may have been sucked into the parrallell universe. Unfortunately, in case you were not aware, I am not an Oprah fan. With that said, I believe her interview of the former president may have done a good job promoting his book, but it also seemed as though she was trying hard to make us like him. I didn't vote him in when he stole the election from Al Gore and I definitely didn't vote him in for that second round of Tom Foolery. So, I guess it goes without saying that I don't necessarily like him or the choices he made while in office.

If you have looked at the second video on this blog, I'm sure you will notice that the two men on the video were lulled into submission by the Oprah interview and somehow came away with the idea that Bush was a good president and took responsibility for his bad decisions. I admire the two of them for their open mindedness and their tribute to our armed forces, but I don't agree with there determination that Bush was a good leader. Unfortunately, I believe that view was summoned upon by the Oprah media machine. Then again maybe I'm wrong.

Some parts of New Orleans look like Katrina just hit land yesterday. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found. The wall street bailout hasn't done anything but turn people against President Obama like he was the one who passed the bill. Sounds like a great leader to me, please forgive the sarcasm. Catch ya' on the FLIPSIDE.

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